The Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science

[J Int Anatolia Sport Sci ]
J Int Anatolia Sport Sci . 2017; 2(2): 122-132 | DOI: 10.22326/ijass.15  

Determination Of The Traid Anger And Anger Expression Styles And Decision-Making Levels Of The Students

Veysel Temel, Sefa Şahan Birol, Selahattin Akpınar, Kazım Nas
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi, Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Yüksekokulu, Karaman, Türki̇ye

This research was done with the aim of determination whether self-esteem in decision making and decision making
styles and trait anger and anger expression styles of the students participating in sportive recreational activities
differ in terms of different variables or not.
Research group consisted of 258 students who participated at the recreational activities. “The Melbourne Deciding
Scale (MDS)” and “Trait Anger and Anger Expression Scale (TAAE) were used as data collection tool.
It can be said that the trait anger point average of the athletes participated in the research with (Mean=22,5147),
internalized anger point average (Mean=17,2794) and externalized anger point average (Mean=17,9706) was low
but, their controlled anger point average was midlevel with (Ort.=20,5441). And self esteem in decision making
point average with (Mean= 5,23), careful decision making style point average (Mean=5,01), avoidant decision
making style point average (Mean=5,65), postponer decision making style point average (Mean=4,58) and panic
decision making style point average were low with (Mean=4,17).

Keywords: Anger, Decision Making,, Recreation, University

Veysel Temel, Sefa Şahan Birol, Selahattin Akpınar, Kazım Nas. Determination Of The Traid Anger And Anger Expression Styles And Decision-Making Levels Of The Students. J Int Anatolia Sport Sci . 2017; 2(2): 122-132

Sorumlu Yazar: Veysel Temel, Türkiye

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