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Vajenden soyutlanan Candida türlerinde biyofilm üretiminin iki farklı yöntemle araştırılması. [IUYD]
IUYD. Baskıdaki Makaleler: NKMJ-74418

Vajenden soyutlanan Candida türlerinde biyofilm üretiminin iki farklı yöntemle araştırılması.

Aydın Aydınlı1, Gürcan Vural2
1İstanbul Okan Üni̇versi̇tesi̇ Tıp Fakültesi̇ Tıbbi̇ Mi̇krobi̇yoloji̇ Abd
2İsti̇nye Üni̇versi̇tesi̇ Tıp Fakültesi̇ Tıbbi̇ Patoloji̇ Abd

GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Günümüzde mantar enfeksiyonlarının görülme sıklığı ve antifungal dirençleri artmıştır. Candida türleri tarafından üretilen enfeksiyonların çoğunun biyofilm oluşumu ile ilişkili olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada Eylül 2015 ile Ağustos 2020 tarihleri arasında Sitonet Sito-patoloji Merkezinde serviko-vajnal smearlerinde sitolojik olarak maya tanısı saptanan 192 hasta araştırıldı. Kongo Kırmızısı Agar (CRA) ile çalışılan tüm Candida türleri değerlendirildiğinde biyofilm pozitifliği non-albicans Candida türlerinde % 61,4 iken C.albicans’ta % 38,6 olarak bulundu. Biyofilm pozitif olan non-albicans Candida türleri ise 11 (%15,7) C.glabrata, 11 (%15,7) C.tropicalis, 6 (%8,6), C.guillermondii ve 6 (%8,6) C. krusei olarak tanımlandı. Mantar enfeksiyonlarında etkenin ürettiği biyofilm, antifungal direnç ve enfeksiyonun invazyonu ile doğru orantılıdır. Bu nedenle etken mantarın biyofilm üretiminin saptanması tedavinin planlanması açısından önem taşır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: : Biofilm production, Candida species, Candida vaginitis

Detection of biofilm production in Candida species from the vagina by two different methods.

Aydın Aydınlı1, Gürcan Vural2
1Istanbul Okan Unıversıty Medıcal Faculty, Clınıcal Mıcrobıology Dept
2Istınye Unıversıty Medıcal Faculty Pathology Dept

INTRODUCTION: The incidence of fungal infections has increased today, and antifungal resistance has increased in such infections. It is known that most infections produced by Candida species are associated with biofilm formation. In this study, 192 patients diagnosed with yeast cytologically in cervico-vaginal smears between September 2015 and August 2020 were investigated. When all Candida species studied with Congo Red Agar (CRA) were evaluated, biofilm positivity was found to be 61.4% in non-albicans Candida species and 38.6% in C.albicans. Biofilm positive non-albicans Candida species were 11 (15.7%) C.glabrata, 11 (15.7%) C.tropicalis, 6 (8.6%), C.guillermondii and 6 (8.6%) identified as C. krusei. In fungal infections, the biofilm produced by the agent is directly proportional to antifungal resistance and invasion of the infection. Therefore, determining the biofilm production of the causative fungus is important in planning the treatment.
METHODS: In our study, there were 192 routine patients who were examined in Sitonet Cyto-Pathology Center between September 2015 and August 2020. Two sets of examples were obtained using conventional smear cytology and wet smear. Conventional cervico-vaginal smears were scanned in Sitonet Cyto-Pathology, wet smears were studied in Istanbul Okan University Medical Faculty Hospital Microbiology Laboratory.
192 Candida origin biofilm production extracted from vaginal discharge samples evaluated in the microbiology laboratory and it was investigated by two different methods. Vaginal samples were inoculated into Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) (Condalab, Spain) and then incubated at 37 oC. The suspect yeast colonies were subjected to Gram staining and then germ tube test, then they were inoculated into Corn Meal Agar (Dalmau plate) containing Tween-80. Isolates forming chlamydospore on germ tube and Corn Meal Agar plate were defined as C. albicans. Yeast samples other non-albicans Candida (NAC) were identified with the VITEK 2 (Biomérieux, France) YST automated identification system.

RESULTS: At the 24th hour in all Candida species in SDB, 58 (30.2%); at the 48th hour, 109 (56.8%) biofilm positivity was detected. In CRA, 97 (50.05%) biofilm-positive Candida species were detected. Biofilm-positive Candida origin was found to be 88 (45.8%) and biofilm-negative Candida origin was found to be 74 (38.6%) with both methods (Table 1).

Of the 4 origins that were positive at the 48th hour in SDB and negative in CRA, 22 of them were found to be negative at the 24th hour and weakly positive (+1 positive) at the 48th hour. No origin that was positive in CRA but negative in SDB was found.

When all Candida species studied with CRA were evaluated, biofilm positivity was found to be 61.4% in non-albicans Candida species and 38.6% in C.albicans. Biofilm positive non-albicans Candida species were identified as 11 (15.7%) C.glabrata, 11 (15.7%) C.tropicalis, 6 (8.6%), C.guillermondii and 6 (8.6%) C. krusei.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In fungal infections, the biofilm produced by the agent is directly proportional to antifungal resistance and the invasion of the infection. Therefore, determining the biofilm production of the causative fungus is important in planning the treatment. Congo Red Agar method with glucose is a method that can be preferred in determining biofilm production as a virulence factor in non-albicans Candida species, which is increasingly common among Candida species, because of its simpler and shorter application compared to other methods and its objective evaluation.

Keywords: : Biofilm production, Candida species, Candida vaginitis

Sorumlu Yazar: Aydın Aydınlı, Türkiye

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